It took nearly 26 hours of travel, but we are finally HOME!!!
When we boarded Ukraine International the question started, "Dema mama America?" I was able to show him a wold map and explained that we would be stopping in Germany then we would go to America. Just before we landed, I asked the stewardess to explain that we had to get on another plane, then it would be 10 hours until we got to America.
As we counted down the hours--Dema would wait 10 minutes or so for the countdown, so it took 5 or 6 "9's" to actually make it to the 9 hour mark...we was bursting with anticipation!
Word spread quickly among the flight attendants as to why we were there so they treated him like a king--plenty of juice, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 ice cream sundays from the first class menu!
When we finally hit the 1 hour mark, for the entire hour, Dema sat in the seat pumping is arms up and down just repeating, " Dema America mama, home, Dottie, dadushka, buba, gracie, Dusty, Caleb!"
The pilot had heard that he was on the plane and wanted to show him the cockpit, but when we stopped to meet him Dema wasn't interested, he saw the others leaving the plane and just waved his finger back and forth at the pilot and said Dema mama America! So, we skipped the cockpit tour and headed for the customs and immigration desk!
We quickly passed through the USCIS and went to meet the family--the reunion was great, but we had another 7 hours to fight through a snow storm and get from JFK to Warriors Mark!
We're here, we're done, but it's just begun!!!
Thanks for joining us on our journey...
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 1:27
Isaiah 1:17
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 1:27
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
More than ready to get out of here!
When we got here we headed off for the medical facility where Dema's immunization record was translated into English, and he had a cursory medical exam. Today we will try to complete two days worth of work at the embassy so we can get on our flight tomorrow morning!
Remember the ticket problems we had? We wanted and planned for his given name to be Dema, but that didn't happen. And we had purchased our tickets very early so that we could get the bast airline rates--but since his name is officially Dmytro, the ticket didn't match the passport. The folks at Aeroflot said that due to international regulations we could not change the ticket, and because Dema is a minor, they wouldn't cut a ticket for him only. I needed to book 2 new tickets for us to get home--to fly into State College, that would have cost over $3000! So, I came back to the apartment and booked us a flight into JFK. Not only did that cost us nearly $1400, but Cindy will lose a valuable day of kitchen production and babushka and dadushka will be driving to New York to pick us up at the airport...
Last night we had a good night sleep--lights out at 9:00 and he didn't stir until 5:00! That was the first 8 hours I have had since we got here! (pretty good considering we are sleeping on what feels like a sheet of plywood!)
It has been a long and difficult journey, but in less than 24 hours we will be able to put this all behind us and we will all start the newest phase of life!
If you've really got a hankering for the adoption journey, please check out the blogs written by the families who are coming behind us--they are all listed on the right side of the page. The McCracken's are in the middle of their process, the Walk's have just begun their in country work, and there are several families yet to come!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Comin' Home--well, almost...
When I arrived, the kids were all getting ready for their 5 minute trek to school--I got to say one more "good bye" to the gang!
Dema was fresh out of bed ready to go! I handed him his bag of new clothes, new boots and a new coat, he got dressed and wanted to leave immediately!
Dema was so excited to leave that he didn't even want to say good bye to the boys in his group...but finally after some coaxing he ran through the group waving and yelling ba-ka, ba-ka (bye-bye). When he got to Dan, he stopped to give him a hug, shake his hand and said ba-ka Dan.
He left his group and headed for the girls room doing the same thing then grabbed my hand and said ok papa.
We were out the door headed for the apartment!
When we arrived, Dema said num-num (feed me). Fortunately I had made a few trips to the grocery store to prepare. Between 9:00 and 4:00 Dema ate 8 bananas, 2 packs of ramen noodles, a large jar of pickles, 1/2 pound of peanuts, 1 frozen pizza (cooked of course), and several sugar wafer cookies!
We spent the day playing with is new Leap Frog, watching Star Wars with Russian voice overs, and learning English--we started pretty simple working on letters, body parts, stuff in your house, and reviewing the family album we had given him.
We are on our 8 hour train ride back to Kiev, and when we boarded, we found ourselves in a first class cabin--Svetta thought it best if we had some privacy.
Dema is enjoying his complimentary cup of green tea, playing Star Wars beginner reading game and enjoying the ride!
When we pulled out of Krivoy Rog, Dema let out a huge laugh and said bye bye Krivoy Rog then stuck out his tongue...there was no bitter sweet departure here--he's ready to go!
We will spend the next two days in Kiev taking care of required embassy work, trying to fix the airplane ticket mistake, and doing some sight seeing. Cindy and I feel that is important for him to have some memories and a history of where he came from, so the pictures of the Capital will be nice. Right now he doesn't seem to share those feelings! While at dinner, I had Svetta ask him if he wanted to have his hotel in America, Ukraine, or both. He glared at her and said AMERICA! Yep, we're bringing our American boy home!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dema's last night in the children's home!!
I figured I would take this opportunity to share some of the pictures we have received of Dema from the summer of 2005--he would have been 4 years old!
The information we had been given originally said that Dema was placed in the childrens' home when he was 2 1/2, but we have found through official government documents that these pictures were taken shortly after he arrived.
I don't know that anyone could imagine taking a 4 year old child and putting them in an institution...actually, the court documents say that his birth parents dropped him at a strangers home, and it was those strangers who dropped him at the orphanage. The information we have says that Dema's birth father is alive and living locally, but he has no home and is an alcoholic. His mother died when he was only 2.
Ok, enough about the sad past...let's talk about the happy present and his brighter future!!!
Today Mick, Janel, and I took our kids and headed off to the the cinema. Our hope was to see Rapunzel, but it didn't work out that way! Ordering anything here is difficult and frustrating both for us and those we are trying to deal with, but we thought we were doing pretty good here. When the movie started, it turned out to be a cartoon--something about Cossack super heroes--not Rapunzel! The kids seemed to tolerate the movie and the adults did get a much needed nap!
We didn't find any of the now infamous caviar pop corn, what we did find was a rainbow colored sweetened pop corn--believe it or not it was too sweet for me! So, what else could I do but go back and get a bag of the bacon flavored potato chips!
After the movie we went to a little restaurant that reminded us of a waffle house down south--it was called the potato hut. When we walked in there were dream catchers, a native American statue, and lots of native American art, and I had heard that they had the best steaks in Krivoy Rog, but when I saw one, I decided against it--I'm pretty sure it was a center cut out of a round steak and very very well done. I ended up getting a plate of potato wedges and a 1/4 rack of ribs--they actually were very good!
And Dema who may eat more than we can grow and produce ate part of my ribs, a pretty big pork chop, a plate of his own potato wedges, some of my wedges, 1 1/2 rolls, and the rest of Andre's steak, and he was hungry within 10 minutes of leaving!
Not wanting to spoil him with my extraordinary cooking skills, I got him a frozen pizza, a couple packs of Ramen noodles, and a bunch of bananas to eat tomorrow--that should hold him over until we meet the rest of the gang for dinner!
(That last comment was a bit of sarcasm--I function best when not allowed in the kitchen!!)
Tomorrow Svetta will go with me to the orphanage to bring Dema back to the apartment for the day--8:30 tomorrow morning, the life of an orphan will be in the past!
I told him tomorrow he will be an American boy!
Just a word of advice to any family coming behind us...Cindy is home for this trip, we both thought it best if she stay and take care of the home, the dogs, and the business. That was a decision that we both regret.
If there is anyway possible, make the time and spend the extra money so that both of you can be here when all of your time and efforts come to an awesome conclusion. You'll be glad you did!!!
From the time we arrived on December 6th, I have looked forward to this day--the last visit to the children's home, BUT, it wasn't what I had envisioned! As we headed out to get in the car, the kids were holding on to me, they would not let go. As families plan to make their trips over, you can not begin to imagine just how excited the kids are for you to be here with them. Those could have been the most difficult moments of the trip although it was never said, as they were holding on I could tell the kids were just hoping and praying that I could take them with me...thankfully we will see the majority of these kids again!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
A day for play!
Andre (our driver) came to pick us up right on schedule and we were off the the children's home for the kids! When we got there, the boys were working on their weekly showers--a shower base with a hose coming out of the wall that has a hand shower nozzle attached to the end. They washed themselves, then while still in the shower area, grabbed their socks and underwear from the week and began to wash them, then the boys ran out for their fresh socks and undies!
(No, I'm not some kind of wierdo--the teacher was standing there watching the boys go in one by one, and she motioned me over) While standing there, I had a disturbing high school flash back--Mr Gallager screaming BEAR and WET to the entire gym class, and all the guys lining up for inspection!!!
Vika and the gang were in the small room with Luba having their English lessons, she was just getting the class started and had their books along with some snacks on each of the desks ready for the kids. Luba holds two classes per week, one for the older kids and one for the younger group. It was good to get to meet Luba because she and the team of missionaries she works with have been so important and instrumental to all of the the kids...when we first started this process, they emailed us several pictures and video clips of Dema when he was younger.
Andre took us to a huge building that looked relatively new compared to most in the city--we learned that Krivoy Rog was a huge WWII battle site because of the large concentration of iron ore deposits and the smelting facilities that are spread all over the city. The German's wanted it and Russia had it! We were told that 99% of the city was destroyed in the battle, so most everything was built or rebuilt since 1945. Through WWII, there was not a single family in Ukraine that did not loose either a father or brother to the war. Every town and city in Ukraine has an eternal flame to remember the fallen and commemorate their loss.
The building we were entering was huge, it housed a bowling alley, a fitness center, a 6 theater movie cinema, a kind of food court, mini bars, and an ice skating rink, and the place was packed! When we arrived, the bowling alley was full, and there wasn't a very good selection of ice skates. Dema's skates were probably 3 sizes too big, and I think Micks were 2 sizes too small! Ice skating didn't last too long though--Dema wasn't as good as he had hoped, and when I went to help, we both ended up on the ice--he'll learn quickly that papa isn't the most graceful guy around!!
We left the rink and headed for the bowling alley where we found an older gentleman working the desk--probably the owner, but thankfully he spoke English! He helped us with the shoe size conversion from American to European, and we were off to our lanes. None of us were going to make the PBA tour, but we had a good time until the 6 pound ball got to be too much for the kids. We definitely got our 126 grivna's ($15) worth for the hour.
Our next stop was a mall complex where Vika got to do what little girls like to do best--shop!! Yesterday, Svetta took us there and showed us a play area where Dema might want to go...He seemed to have more fum here than with the bowling and skating combined!
When we went in, I recognized a little vioce, but thought--no way, it couldn't be! Sure enough, Nastya was there with her new Italian mama. It was good for me to see their interaction, Nastya is happy and her mama is a very nice lady! After the two kids had played hard for a little while and were sweated up, her mama spoke to me in Italian, motioned to the kids and walked out the door, I figured she was headed out to pay 2 grivna to use the public toilet in the mall, but she returned with 2 drink boxes for the kids!
My Italian is pretty much non existent, but I was able to say "gratsi" to which she responded "your welcome"! I thought "great!" she speaks a little English, so I tried to convey just how I knew Nastya, but it didn't work. Maybe someday, Nastya will tell her mama how she knew the American in the mall. I had hoped for a picture of Nastya, Dema and her new mama, but Nastya would have no part of it. But, I was glad to be able to see that Nastya was happy, and her mama is a very nice woman!
The day ended with a very short trip to the children's home where the kids had a chance to Skype with their friend Liliya in America. On Monday, when Dema leaves the orphanage to come to the apartment, he will be Skyping with Liliya so that she can begin to prepare for his English lessons that will start Saturday after he returns! He and I will spend the day playing on his new Leapfrog with a game designed for 4 year olds teaching them the basics of reading...we're not wasting any time breaking down the communication barrier!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dema's "official" last day as a resident!
When Cindy and I were here on our first trip, I seem to remember just a little difficulty adjusting to the time difference--I had several folks tell me that when you travel east the adjustment is easier...I wish someone would have reminded my body and mind! Since I left on the 9th, I have had only18 hours of sleep! The night before last, I completely skipped the whole sleeping thing, and tonight as I sit here it is 1:30a.m. and I am wide awake--I went to bed at 7:30pm--I was so exhausted, I just couldn't stay up any longer. Guess I am awake for the day!
Today Dema had his going away party! So we went to the pizza shop and got a bunch of pizzas, then we went to the market and got bacon flavored potato chips, juice, bananas, paper plates and cups, and of course a cake for the celebration...yes, you read it right bacon flavored potato chips!!! Why can't we get these in America??? You can knock out 2 of the food groups in one small snack...and man are they good!
We ordered pizza with cheese, ham, sausage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and a full layer of basil! It was kinda neat to watch them eat--the pizza and bananas and juice were enjoyed far more than the sweetness of the cake.
I had to employ our first babysitter yesterday! I had 2 choices--either take Dema from the orphanage and jump a train to Kiev and wait 3 days for the passport so we can begin the final phase of paperwork at the embassy, or stay in Krivoy Rog and keep Dema at the orphanage. Cindy and I talked before I left and both agreed that the later was the wiser move. Ukrainian law prohibits foreign parents taking children from their orphanage and staying in the same region for more than 24 hours.
So, in order for me to be able to stay here where I have the benefit of American friends, a familiarity with the town, and knowing our drivers well enough that we can get where we want to go and do what we want to do (but beyond that, to be able to keep Dema in a place where can be entertained by friends, live in a familiar environment, and have the structure that he needs). I had to sign a contract requesting that he be allowed to stay there for another 2 days--as a GUEST and not a resident!
Today, our driver Andre will pick Mick, Janel, and I up at 11:00, and we will go to get our kids (that seems strange to say!) we will then head off for the bowling lanes! We were going to go ice skating, but Vika fell and hurt her ankle so we went to plan "B". We know Vika likes to bowl, and there are "kid friendly" lanes here in Krivoy Rog. We are sure that wherever we go, whatever we do, Dema will just be happy to be with us! After our bowling venture, we plan on taking the kids out for dinner...anywhere BUT McDonalds!
Tomorrow, our plan is to take the kids to the movie theater! We're not sure what movie is playing, but we are hoping for an American movie with Russian voice over. Last time we were here, they were showing the newest Narnia movie in 3D. The exciting part of this is looking forward to the caviar flavored pop corn! You read it right--no salt and butter here!
Early on, there is little chance of field trips for parents and their kids, but as things progress, the rules seem to relax and you have more freedom with the children.
Remember Ruslana from postings during our first trip--the girl who begged for a home and a family in America? Cindy and I were sure her hopes would be realized...well, they have been!!! That is one more child with the hope of a brighter future in America with a loving family!
Today we only have our driver scheduled until 6:00, so I don't anticipate being able to spend much time with the kids at the orphanage. Tomorrow will be my last to spend with the kids until they all get home. They have all become part of our family...they will be missed, but I am already getting excited for our first big family reunion!!! It will be a great day when we can get together with all of the children from Ukraine who will be joining us in Central PA!
I thought a friend might enjoy this picture--looks like this guy is growing a fine "stash"! A Tom Selleck caterpillar or an old west handle bar mustache??
(Nope, the smile hasn't stopped yet!!)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Got a heart for orphans???
Those were the words we heard more than one time...
After our first trip to Ukraine, Cindy and I were even more excited bring Dema into our home. But over the 3 weeks that we were here together we became convinced that Dema was not the only reason that we came. There are so many children who's eyes plead for a home and a family of their own and several of the children have actually wraped their arms around us and begged for a home in America. Yes, this trip has been a heart wrenching experience. But because we can not bring each and every one of them home, we have made a commitment to do what we can to find other families who are willing to consider adopting a Ukrainian orphan child.
James 1:27 tells us that:
Although that passage of scripture does not command or even ask us to adopt one of these kids, it does let us know just how important these kids are to our Father. So, as you scroll through the pictures, why don't you search your heart to see just what He is asking you to do...chose a child and pray that they might find a family, forward this to a friend who is considering adoption, or jump in with both feet and say, "yes I will"!
There are many of these children who are not alone in the children's home--many have siblings, some are part of a family of 3, 4, or 5 kids. We have found some of the most "adoptable" children are part of a larger family group...maybe that is because they have some sense of family, or maybe it is because they are the children who have a little higher level of self confidence and they are wiling to come hang out with a group of strangers who don't even speak their language.
Because these children are wards of the state, and considered "state property", we can not post names, birth dates, or any information we have on the kids. If you would like to know more about our trip and our time here, please feel free to email us...we would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
Mick and Janel McCracken are here to bring their daughter Vika Grace home and will be here for another 3 weeks or so. If you would like further info, please email either:
Eric & Cindy at:
Mick & Janel at:
The children at this orphanage range anywhere from 5-16 years old, but the younger kids are pretty much off limits for "just stopping in" and visiting, we spent most of our time with the kids ranging from 8-16 years old.
In Ukraine, there is a huge emphasis on the arts. We have seen many of the girls and some of the boys preforming in dances, singing, and acting roles. And it seems that most of the boys who are not involved in the arts are part of either the boxing team or the soccer team. The orphanage does a great job of getting these kids involved and active.
The art program at the orphanage is a top-notch program. We spent most of our time visiting with the kids in a room dedicated to developing the drawing and painting skills of the kids. If you go to the Artful Giver web site, you can see some of the outstanding work these kids have done.
Not all the children in these pictures are eligible for adoption, there are several factors that weigh in to determine if and when they are permitted to be adopted by a foreign family. How long have they been in the orphanage? What is the status of their biological family? Do they have siblings and do all siblings want to be adopted internationally? Are there siblings who are over 18 years old?
These are all questions that our adoption agency asked and screened for prior to saying that yes, he/she is ready and available to come to America.
This is the group of boys that our son Dema calls family. They range in ages 8-11 and they all seem to be great boys.
I just met this young man today--he is blind, but it is amazing to watch the little boys take him by the hand and help him find his way. When I asked him if I could take his picture, he got this huge smile on his face and said "DA"! The smile was still there 15 minutes later when I left the group.
It has become very difficult to adopt younger single children from Ukraine in recent years. The government has made it very beneficial for Ukrainian families to keep the children in their home country. This seems to be in an effort to lower the number of orphans here. (Which from the last count I saw was 100,000+) There have been success stories from children who have "graduated" from the orphanage, but far too many of the kids end up on the streets--some girls turn to prostitution, while many of the boys turn to a life of petty crime. These kids are sent out at 16 years old, some have done well enough at school to qualify for State funded technical school, but many leave with no hope for a future.
This is the group of girls just across the hall from Dema's group. They too would probably range from 8-11 years old. The children in this orphanage are housed in separate wings and separate buildings, so our contact with the older kids was very limited, and the youngest kids were completely off limits.
There is a family group of 4 children here who Cindy and I have fallen in love with...we have said, "if we were younger, if we had an addition on our house, if we had different jobs, if we had a better income" we would bring them home. But we're not, and we don't, so we are here to advocate for them and find not only them, but as many kids as possible good loving Christian families! Please don't hesitate to ask us anything!
Those were the words we heard more than one time...
After our first trip to Ukraine, Cindy and I were even more excited bring Dema into our home. But over the 3 weeks that we were here together we became convinced that Dema was not the only reason that we came. There are so many children who's eyes plead for a home and a family of their own and several of the children have actually wraped their arms around us and begged for a home in America. Yes, this trip has been a heart wrenching experience. But because we can not bring each and every one of them home, we have made a commitment to do what we can to find other families who are willing to consider adopting a Ukrainian orphan child.
James 1:27 tells us that:
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
Although that passage of scripture does not command or even ask us to adopt one of these kids, it does let us know just how important these kids are to our Father. So, as you scroll through the pictures, why don't you search your heart to see just what He is asking you to do...chose a child and pray that they might find a family, forward this to a friend who is considering adoption, or jump in with both feet and say, "yes I will"!
There are many of these children who are not alone in the children's home--many have siblings, some are part of a family of 3, 4, or 5 kids. We have found some of the most "adoptable" children are part of a larger family group...maybe that is because they have some sense of family, or maybe it is because they are the children who have a little higher level of self confidence and they are wiling to come hang out with a group of strangers who don't even speak their language.
Because these children are wards of the state, and considered "state property", we can not post names, birth dates, or any information we have on the kids. If you would like to know more about our trip and our time here, please feel free to email us...we would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
Mick and Janel McCracken are here to bring their daughter Vika Grace home and will be here for another 3 weeks or so. If you would like further info, please email either:
Eric & Cindy at:
Mick & Janel at:
The children at this orphanage range anywhere from 5-16 years old, but the younger kids are pretty much off limits for "just stopping in" and visiting, we spent most of our time with the kids ranging from 8-16 years old.
In Ukraine, there is a huge emphasis on the arts. We have seen many of the girls and some of the boys preforming in dances, singing, and acting roles. And it seems that most of the boys who are not involved in the arts are part of either the boxing team or the soccer team. The orphanage does a great job of getting these kids involved and active.
The art program at the orphanage is a top-notch program. We spent most of our time visiting with the kids in a room dedicated to developing the drawing and painting skills of the kids. If you go to the Artful Giver web site, you can see some of the outstanding work these kids have done.
Not all the children in these pictures are eligible for adoption, there are several factors that weigh in to determine if and when they are permitted to be adopted by a foreign family. How long have they been in the orphanage? What is the status of their biological family? Do they have siblings and do all siblings want to be adopted internationally? Are there siblings who are over 18 years old?
These are all questions that our adoption agency asked and screened for prior to saying that yes, he/she is ready and available to come to America.
This is the group of boys that our son Dema calls family. They range in ages 8-11 and they all seem to be great boys.
I just met this young man today--he is blind, but it is amazing to watch the little boys take him by the hand and help him find his way. When I asked him if I could take his picture, he got this huge smile on his face and said "DA"! The smile was still there 15 minutes later when I left the group.
It has become very difficult to adopt younger single children from Ukraine in recent years. The government has made it very beneficial for Ukrainian families to keep the children in their home country. This seems to be in an effort to lower the number of orphans here. (Which from the last count I saw was 100,000+) There have been success stories from children who have "graduated" from the orphanage, but far too many of the kids end up on the streets--some girls turn to prostitution, while many of the boys turn to a life of petty crime. These kids are sent out at 16 years old, some have done well enough at school to qualify for State funded technical school, but many leave with no hope for a future.
This is the group of girls just across the hall from Dema's group. They too would probably range from 8-11 years old. The children in this orphanage are housed in separate wings and separate buildings, so our contact with the older kids was very limited, and the youngest kids were completely off limits.
There is a family group of 4 children here who Cindy and I have fallen in love with...we have said, "if we were younger, if we had an addition on our house, if we had different jobs, if we had a better income" we would bring them home. But we're not, and we don't, so we are here to advocate for them and find not only them, but as many kids as possible good loving Christian families! Please don't hesitate to ask us anything!
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