Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Isaiah 1:17

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

James 1:27

Monday, December 27, 2010

Our courtroom story!

Today was it—the final decision…and all we have to say is “THANK YOU JESUS!”  After a rough night of sleep for both of us, Svetta arrived at 6:30 for courtroom preparations—the prep was short, but necessary.  This time, we were asked very few questions, and they were just repeats from Thursday.   The major player was the Director from Dema’s brother’s orphanage.   He said everything that was in his letter, but added the fact that Dema’s bio-father is around, but he is a vagabond of sorts—he has no home of his own, we have heard that he is an alcoholic who has little to no interest in Dema.  The most disturbing thing that we heard was that the father does visit and take the brother to the park.  He does not do that for Dema, nor has Dema ever had the opportunity to go on one of the trips with the two!

Our trial lasted only 45 minutes, but the deliberation between the judge and jury of 2 took another 45 minutes.  About ½ hour into our wait I asked Svetta if it normally took this long…she said, “no, just wait”…so we did!  At about 40 minutes into the wait, the courtroom reporter returned for some documents—she was glassy eyed, pursed lips, and wouldn’t make eye contact.  Up to that point, I was confident—just 30 minutes ago, the prosecutor, directors, and local “big boss” and all told the judge that they supported the adoption and separation.  (Svetta looked up and said, “thank you God” under her breath)  But, after watching and probably over analyzing the reporter when she entered, along with the time for the deliberation, I was worried about the outcome!  Five minutes later, the judge and jury entered with gifts!  Russ said that if they come in with treasures in hand, it’s a good thing!  And it was!  Dema’s new name is Dmytro Ericson Noel, and according to his birth certificate, Cynthia Lee Noel is his mother and Eric Thomas Noel is his father!  We know that there were folks at home awake at 4:00, praying on our behalf, thank you, thank you, thank you!  And for everyone who lifted up our situation as it transpired, thank you!  We know God heard the cry of His children on behalf of His child, our gratitude will never fully be expresses!

Because their past and their culture is so important to the folks of Ukraine, we received some very cultural specific gifts—a crystal bell, a hand painted wooded plate, a ceramic plate with Mary and Jesus probably when he was about the age Dema is now, and a shawl that is used in Ukrainian wedding ceremonies.  We were told to display the shawl with the ceramic plate, we’ll need to find out why.  As the judge, the jurors, and an unknown woman handed us our gifts, the each shared their well wishes. 

It is over, done, kaput!  We are now headed for the notary bureau to finalize paperwork, then we’re off to the orphanage to tell Dema the good news!  From there, we’ll hopefully have time for a bite to eat before embarking on our long voyage home! 

Looking forward hitting the road, but leaving all of these kids behind will be bittersweet!  


  1. That is very, very cool, you guys!! Yippie X 100!!
    Travel safely,
    Ann & Stuart

  2. YAY!!! So glad to hear about it!

  3. Merry Christmas and congratulations!!!!!

    With love,

    Fr. George

  4. So thankful to read this and that it is over...safe travels...L.

  5. Awesome news, guys!! That is just great! I am sure Dima was on Cloud 9 when you told him! God bless you all!

    Did you hear me from Kiev yell this? You guys had so many prayers going out for you 3! Have a safe trip back home!

  7. so glad for all the good news!! all three of you are truly blessed along with the rest of the family back home... safe journey home...
